COVID-19 Response – Uninterrupted Support to our Customers
As organizations navigate through the effects of COVID-19 around the world, we want to assure you that at Simformotion™, we are doing everything possible to keep our employees and customers safe. This includes working from home as much as possible, social distancing and wiping down Cat® Simulators thoroughly before shipping. Our 24×7 support dept remains open and ready to answer questions or help customers in any way. We have launched our new support website and are granting access to more customers every day. If you have not received your login and password information, and have a current support subscription, please contact us. The site features information on troubleshooting, how-to videos, eBooks and much more.
While countries continue to help their citizens through this rough and uncertain time, we remain steadfast in our promise to help our customers all over the world continue training. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team with questions or future planning.

Heavy Equipment Operator Demand
The demand for heavy equipment operators is present in every region of the country. It’s a well-paying career with an opportunity for growth. Students or people that want a mid-career change can find training through community colleges, unions and apprenticeships. What does operator demand look like in the rest of the world? We’ll be sharing that information over the next few months. We would love to hear from you on what the operator demand is in your country. Send us an email.
Ongoing Simulator Training
At this moment in time, many people in many locations of the world are being told to practice social distancing. That directive can work into simulator training. Healthy users can independently practice on simulators, record and report results and save to a database for their instructor to review. (If an instructor or administrator is not available, users can print results and track their own progress.) Thoroughly wipe down the simulator when finished and the next person can take his or her turn. Read more cleaning tips.
Further, virtual training can be conducted with eBooks and videos, available on our support site. These virtual materials can be supplied so individuals can continue to study and learn operator training.
Simformotion will also offer simulator training courses at our office in East Peoria, Illinois throughout the year. Groups are small (as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control [CDC]). To find out more on upcoming courses, contact Jaqui Oseguera at 1.309.670.2680 or by email.
Curriculum Corner
In this new section we will focus on simulator education. We will highlight training from the simulator and tie back to the machine. Our first area of focus is on machine safety.
Machine and Start up Procedures
Our simulator features a safe and consistent start up procedure. The user must complete each step to reset the controls to the start positions before beginning operations. When shutting down the machine, the operator must also follow the proper steps, just like the actual machine. The simulation will not proceed unless the start-up procedures are followed. Following the steps each time helps create a pattern in the brain leading to better recall.